Arxchitect: Pharmacy Automation Management
by Joel Bennett
The core of customer development is simple: “There are no facts inside the building, so get the out of the building”. Gaining insight into customers needs, making sure you are addressing their #1 problem and letting this inform and define the MVP feature set results in a fact based process for making decisions. That is exactly what Nate Peaty and Adam Orsborn have been doing as they move toward the final steps in building a demo of their solution to a $700 Billion problem.
Based on real world use case KPIs, Arxchitect is an enterprise class product designed from the ground up by experienced healthcare leaders for healthcare IT, operations, and automation leaders. Their insight into the healthcare environment addresses disconnected and uncoordinated software, hardware, and robotic automation systems in an effort to improve safety and efficiency.
Their financial modeling is being stress tested in depth with multiple use case scenarios. Legal documents being prepared as they aggressively pursue developmental partnerships with leading healthcare organizations who are enthusiastically asking to be included in the earliest of opportunities being made available.
They are concurrently interviewing potential board members, meeting with investors, and identify industry and vendor partners.
Nate summarized last weeks progress: “Overall, lots of things to manage and keep on track and a larger number of contributors than I think is ideal but we’re feeling better and better about how this is coming together and are confident in our abilities to keep us and the team on track to execute. The work is getting harder from the perspective of everything we have to accomplish but it’s also getting easier as we get more focused and can be more efficient with our time/energy”.

Team A – Week 7 : MVP Demo First Draft
Team A – Week 8 : MVP Demo Second Draft